Multilingual Interface
Tess, Classic Mac Tucows’s highest rating
With Tess, you can quickly create attractive symmetric planar illustrations.
While you draw, Tess will automatically maintain the symmetry group you have chosen;
24 rosette, all 7 frieze, and all 17 wallpaper groups are included.
Some prize-winning entries from our annual Tessellation contest are shown on the right.
Our Users Gallery shows some
other interesting projects that Tess has been involved with.
Tess can seamlessly show your illustrations on a variety of surfaces.
You can also work with Heesch tilings; Tess supports all 28 (/ 29) Heesch tilings.
Tess can save illustrations using Tess’ own cross-platform format
and can export illustrations using
and other formats.
Print-outs from Tess are crisp since they are sent as vectors to your inkjet or laser printer
and are processed at your printer’s resolution.
Tess offers
an English, a Spanish, and a Korean
 Koi Odebo Babiuk
 Garden Naresh Batham
 Draco Rosa Odebo Babiuk
 Crystal Blue Gretchen Walljasper
 De Doop Face Sarah Plunkett
 Curled Cats Sally Warn
 Spring Ducks Odebo Babiuk
 Saffron Alex McDonald